A table saw can be one of the most bulky and expensive items in your list of wood working machinery, and when table saw blades go bad they can be expensive to replace. There may come a time when you have to replace table saw blades, but you can get more use out of them if you sharpen them yourself. A dull table saw blade can not only ruin your work but can potentially be dangerous as the blade can chop wood and cause it to splinter and fly at you or others. This article will show you how you can sharpen your table saw blades easily and effectively.
Tools and Materials:
- Tarp
- Lubricating oil
- Sharpening file
- Goggles
- Face mask
- Work gloves
- Newspaper
Step 1 - Safety First
You never want to sharpen your table saw blades with them attached to the table saw. Decide on a safe and flat surface where you can work and then remove the blade from the saw and take it to this area. Just because the table saw blades are not attached to the saw does not mean that they are not potentially dangerous. They are still sharp so make sure you are wearing your work gloves when sharpening and handling the table saw blades. This can be a messy job so make certain that you lay a tarp down on the floor where you will be working and that you are wearing your goggles and face mask. As you begin to sharpen the table saw blades you will be filing away pieces of metal. These slivers of metal and metal dust can become very slippery on a concrete or wood floor. They can also be dangerous to your health. If the metal shavings would get in your eye they could cause blindness and if you take them into your lungs you can choke and become very ill.
Step 2 - Sharpening the Table Saw Blades
This can be an arduous process that does not need to be rushed. Use your sharpening file and begin sharpening a section of the saw. Use strong back and forth stroke across the section. Take several minutes for each blade section. Rotate the blade and continue sharpening until you are satisfied with the result.
Step 3 - Lubrication and Attachment
To keep your table saw blades sharp and free of rust you want to lubricate them. Since the blade is freshly sharpened you do not need much oil. Squeeze a small amount of the lubricating oil over the entire blade including the sharpened edge. Take a wad of newspaper and rub the oil into the blade. Spread it out as much as you can and do not worry if you remove some of the oil in the process. When finished, replace the blade.
Step 4 - Test Run
Get a piece of wood and cut it several pieces with the saw in order to test the sharpness of the blade. You will know if the blade is sharp enough. If the blade is not as sharp as you would like, repeat the previous steps.